Becoming a member of Society of Women Engineers comes with many incentives that you will find beneficial to your career as well as your well being. To learn more about the benefits of SWE, click here.  To obtain an on-line application to register to become a SWE member, click here.

Some of the benefits that come with SWE membership include:  

  • Registration discounts to the annual National Convention and Student Conference.
  • Access to women’s issues in engineering.
  • SWE, the Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers, a quarterly publication.
  • SWE membership pin (new members).
  • Free listing in the SWE Resume Database System.
  • Opportunities for networking with fellow professionals and for leadership training.
  • Affiliation with local SWE Section.
  • Gain information that you can add to your business knowledge with seminars, conferences, etc. and obtain information on graduate schools, companies, and career changes by checking out information available from the national SWE site.

SWE Greatland membership benefits include:

  • Obtain information about the monthly meetings (September through May).
  • Opportunities for networking with fellow professionals both in SWE and in other local engineering organizations.
  • Opportunities to develop and practice leadership and management skills.
  • Access to job postings through the SWE Greatland job bank and e-mail postings.
  • Notice of section activities and news through e-mail. Contact our President to be added to the SWE Greatland mailing list.
  • Registration discounts to region conferences.
  • Opportunities to encourage students to excel in math and science and pursue a career in engineering.